Teppanyaki Noodles by Yama-toumi

Teppenyaki noodles and fried gyoza on wooden chopping blocks - Teppanyaki Noodles by Yamatoumi
Teppanyaki noodles are a staple dish at festivals across Japan and the Yamatoumi crew have made it the new staple for festivals across Queensland. Teppanyaki Noo-dles by Yamatoumi will be serving up their specialty, Ya-kisoba - Japanese-Australian fusion stir-fried noodles. With a range of flavours to choose from and served with Yamatoumi’s special sauce, these noodles will satisfy your every craving. If you’re looking for something extra or just a snack, there’s also teriyaki chicken skewers, grilled dumplings, edamame and miso soup available.